A New Beginning

(Cross posted from the new platform at https://entirelyuseless.substack.com )

I have imported my old blog from WordPress (found at Entirely Useless) and plan to start writing again somewhat regularly, here at Substack.

Some would say the decision to write here is just following the current fad, and perhaps there is some truth to that. However, what convinced me was Bryan Caplan with the post here. In particular, the claim that Substack is actually better than usual at getting subscribers seems very likely, and is borne out by my personal experience. I find myself subscribing to many Substack blogs where I surely would not have subscribed using the RSS reader which I do have.

One of the reasons that I stopped writing for a while was the feeling that I simply did not have many readers, so the effort of actually writing things down did not feel sufficiently justified. Hopefully, if I do manage to get a few more readers on this new platform, this will change.

If you are a new reader, go ahead and browse the existing imported posts. If you are an old reader, you may expect new content beginning this weekend. And if that doesn’t happen anyway, that is part of the point of the email subscription model. It does not take any effort on your part.